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Handyman Answering Service

Service Provider

It’s said that a great handyman can fix anything: electricity, plumbing, appliances, you name it… You may be great at your job, but what about the administrative side? How many times have you had to stop during a job to answer your phone? Or, maybe, you don’t answer calls while working and call them back whenever you finish your work. . Is this the right way of doing things? Hard to say. Whether or not you choose to prioritize a call, there’ll always be someone that’s left annoyed: be it your current client, the caller, or yourself, for having to stop what you’re doing and pay attention to something else all the time.


If someone’s calling you, if a person needs help from a handyman, it’s probably urgent and they need to speak to a human being and fast, not be left to voicemail. Who’s to guarantee that, if you call them back, they’ll still be interested? For all you know, they’ve already found another handyman to fix their issue.


How do you solve this issue? We know you’re great at fixing things, but let us fix this one! Rinvox offers you the best call center services on the market.

You need our services if:

– You don’t have the time to answer the calls;
– You want answering calls in efficient, professional manner;
– You want your calls answered 24/7, even on holidays.