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Auto Glass Services

Auto Glass Service

Automotive glass is the main feature that maintains the structural integrity of any vehicle. Therefore, a broken or cracked windshield can ruin anyone’s day: such damage worsens over time, puts the driver and the passengers in danger and decreases the overall value of the call. That’s why when your customers call you with such a problem, they may already be frustrated and what will happen if you don’t provide fast and efficient service? Or, even worse, not pick up the call at all? They’ll call one of your competitors.

Auto-glass repair industry can be quite unpredictable: For example, if there’s a strong wind or a snowstorm, lots of clients may need your services at once. If you only have one line and one person to answer the calls, or, even worse, don’t have a designated person for this job at all and just answer the calls at your own convenience in between doing the actual jobs, that’s definitely hurting your business and not only losing you money, but also ruining your image as a fast, efficient and dependable company.

call center service

With RINVOX, you will

Here is an overview of how we approach each new project

Offer the best possible call center service for your business: You can choose the service package best suited for your needs:
1) Have your own office and team, that can be trained to work the way you need to, providing customers the answer, prices, questions you require.
2) Pay on per call basis, only if you get a valid call (We don’t charge for spam calls!).

Gain a deeper understanding of your clientele and their needs
With Rinvox’s team of professionals, you will always be up to date with auto glass repair industry standards and know exactly what your customers are looking for. Our dispatchers will always know how to conduct the conversation so that you leave no client unsatisfied. We will send you regular reports of all your calls, which will help you plan ahead. Based on our reports, you will know when you need to invest in more equipment or hire more employees, to grow your business faster.

Have top of the field technology
What makes us unique? We pay close attention to the latest trends in the call center services industry and constantly develop and improve new software to service our clients better!

Call center agent assisting customers